Pupil Admissions
We are a very small school, with a generally accepted maximum number of 7 pupils per year group – 49 pupils in total.
We know that by providing small classes and high adult-pupil ratios, we can successfully meet the individual needs of your children.
We will always consider applications above our maximum number and aim to be flexible to parent requests wherever we can.
We have a single form entry system, taking all pupils in September of the year they turn 4 years old.
If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please contact the local authority admissions service at: http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/education/schools/school_places/. Applications for the 2024/2025 academic year are now closed. Arrangements for applications for the 2025/26 academic year can be found at Derbyshire Admissions Arrangements 2025/26
For transfers from other schools for children in Years 1-6 you will need to complete the In-Year Admission application at: https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/education/schools/school_places/changing_schools/default.asp.
(Availability of places depends on the number of children currently in that year group).

Primary Admissions Timescale for September 2025/2026

Admissions Policy
Date Created: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025