Nursery Care

We are able to provide Nursery School Places at Brailsford CofE Primary School.  Brailsford CofE Primary Schoolhas created an ethos focused on caring, loving and nurturing all within it, and you can be confident that your child will grow in confidence and become more independent in the early years environment.  With approximately 140 pupils on roll, we are proud to say that we know our children and families very well.                            

Our new school building and generous outside spaces offer children the perfect environment in which to learn and play.

Our Early Years classroom has been equipped to a very high standard and as a result the children's learning is greatly enhanced.

Session Times and Prices

Morning Session

9:00am - 12:00pm (1:00pm including lunch). Price £16.50 per session.

Lunch can be provided at a cost of £3.30

Afternoon Session

12:30pm-3:30pm (11:45am including lunch). Price £16.50 per session. 

 Lunch can be provided at a cost of £3.30

Full details can be found on the Brailsford website by clicking here 


Ready for School - a useful guide for parents of pre-school age children

Are you eligible for help with childcare costs?

15 hours free childcare

All entitled to 570 hours of free childcare year, to use flexibly.

30 hours free childcare

If eligible, you're entitled to an extra 570 hours of free childcare a year to use flexibly, so 1140 hours in total. You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £120 a week (equal to 16) hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage). If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible. 

You are not eligible for 30 hours free childcare if you, or your partner, expect to earn £100,000 or more.

Tax-Free Childcare

If you're a working parent with children under 12 (or under 17 for disabled children), you can open an online account to pay for registered childcare. The government will top-up the money you pay into the account. For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2. You can receive up to £2,000 per child, or £4,000 if disabled.

You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £120 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage). If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible. 

If either you, or your partner, expect to earn £100,000 or more, you aren’t eligible for Tax-Free Childcare. You can’t use Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as childcare vouchers, Universal Credit or tax credits. You can use it with the 15 hours and 30 hours schemes.