Pupil Preminum
Pupil Premium Strategy
The information in our Pupil Premium Strategy details how we have, and how we plan to spend the Pupil Premium ( PP) funding to enable eligible pupils to make the same good progress and achieve their targets in the same way as their peers.
We are dedicated to ensuring that no pupil is disadvantaged, in any way, nor prevented from experiencing a full range of educational opportunities and benefits, no matter what their family circumstances may be. We do not judge, nor qualify the range of opportunities we offer, based on parental ability to fund these opportunities and will ensure that all pupils achieve their potential, through the support we give. We recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are eligible for Pupils Premium and also that not all pupils who are eligible for Pupils Premium are socially disadvantaged.
The Pupil Premium funding is spent in a variety of ways; extra-curricular activities, additional teacher and TA support to ensure individuals reach their potential, and visits (including residential visits).
We currently provide additional TA support, for all subjects including English and Maths lessons, to ensure all pupils, including those eligible for Pupil Premium funding, make the best possible progress. We fund extra-curricular activities, including residential visits, to ensure all-round educational, social and emotional development. We provide additional resources, such as tablet computers and interactive software, specific books, for example, to aid phonic understanding and to enable those who receive Pupil Premium, and have the potential to achieve the very highest levels do so and remain engaged and motivated to learn.
We are confident that in taking the steps above, we can ensure that we give every available opportunity to all pupils, particularly those eligible for Pupil Premium funding, the best possible chance of success. We will measure the impact of this spending in pupil progress across the curriculum, attainment, attendance and engagement.
Our PP eligible pupils make good progress from their individual starting points and attendance is at least ‘good’ in all years.
Pupil premium Strategy Statement
(Updated 2024)
Date Published: October 2022
Review Date: October 2025
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Pubished Date: October 2022
Review Date: October 2025
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